Sunday, July 3, 2011

Exercise #3

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Hip Builder” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Hip Builder builds the muscles of the hips and thighs, giving you more feminine proportions.
    • It Also gets rid of love handles.
    • Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
    • Squat until thighs are nearly parallel to the floor.
    • Stand up while lifting the right leg straight out to the side.
    • Balance on the left leg for 1 second and then repeat on other side 
    • Do 2 sets of 100 or 3 sets of 60.

This exercise is also know as Alternating Squat Kicks or Squat Side Kicks, Squat kicks are similar to regular squats; start in a standing position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Squat down until your thighs are about parallel with the floor; then push up with your left leg while your right leg simultaneously kicks out to the side. At the height of your kick, your leg should be straight and parallel with the floor. Lower your body back down to your squatting position (thighs about parallel with the floor); then push up with your right leg while your left leg kicks out to the side. Continue alternating kicking and squatting legs.

Squat Side Kicks combines a traditional squat with side kicks to target troubled areas along the outer thighs. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a basic squat, lowering your bottom straight down as if you were sitting. Don't squat lower than the knee. When standing, extend your right leg straight out to the side, lifting your foot as high as your waist. Now do another squat, except this time stand and kick with your left leg. Perform 15 repetitions to each side.

I currently do three sets of 20, for a total of 60 repetitions.

Caution: Use caution if you have lower back problems, or avoid this exercise altogether.

Variations: You can also do this exercise with dumbbells in your hands.

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