Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Exercise #4

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “Thigh Squats” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Thigh squats tone and sculpt the thighs and hamstrings.
    • Put your hands on your waist and stand with feet shoulder width
    • Bend knees and go up and down slowly.
    • Do 2 sets of 100 or 3 sets of 60.

This exercise is also known as a Squat and has many variations,

Wide Stance Barbell Squat

1.This exercise is best performed inside a squat rack for safety purposes. To begin, first set the bar on a rack that best matches your height. Once the correct height is chosen and the bar is loaded, step under the bar and place the back of your shoulders (slightly below the neck) across it.
2.Hold on to the bar using both arms at each side and lift it off the rack by first pushing with your legs and at the same time straightening your torso.
3.Step away from the rack and position your legs using a wider-than-shoulder-width stance with the toes slightly pointed out. Keep your head up at all times as looking down will get you off balance, and also maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position.
4.Begin to slowly lower the bar by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up. Continue down until the angle between the upper leg and the calves becomes slightly less than 90-degrees (which is the point in which the upper legs are below parallel to the floor). Inhale as you perform this portion of the movement. Tip: If you performed the exercise correctly, the front of the knees should make an imaginary straight line with the toes that is perpendicular to the front. If your knees are past that imaginary line (if they are past your toes) then you are placing undue stress on the knee and the exercise has been performed incorrectly.
5.Begin to raise the bar as you exhale by pushing the floor with the heel of your foot as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.
6.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: This is not an exercise to be taken lightly. If you have back issues, substitute it with the dumbbell squat variation or a leg press instead. If you have a healthy back, ensure perfect form and never slouch the back forward as this can cause back injury. Be cautious as well with the weight used; in case of doubt, use less weight rather than more. The squat is a very safe exercise but only if performed properly.


As previously mentioned, there are various stances that can be used depending on what you want to emphasize.

You can also place a small block under the heels if you lack ankle flexibility.

Dumbbells can be used as well for resistance by holding them to your sides. The use of wrist wraps is a necessity due to the amount of weights used. I find this an excellent variation when my lower back begins to act up after many weeks of regular barbell squats. (Note: For wide stance dumbbell squats you will have to hold the dumbbells in between your legs as opposed to both sides in order to be able to distance your legs sufficiently).

Another way to perform these is by using a weight belt and attaching weights to it in between the legs. This variation is referred to as weight belt squats which need to be performed with the legs placed on two well secured, raised but separated platforms that allow the weights to go up and down in the middle. This exercise is an excellent choice for people with lower back problems.

Plie Dumbbell Squat

1.Hold a dumbbell at the base with both hands and stand straight up. Move your legs so that they are wider than shoulder width apart from each other with your knees slightly bent.
2.Your toes should be facing out. Note: Your arms should be stationary while performing the exercise. This is the starting position.
3.Slowly bend the knees and lower your legs until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure to inhale as this is the eccentric part of the exercise.
4.Press mainly with the heel of the foot to bring the body back to the starting position while exhaling.
5.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: Failure to keep your back straight can result in back injury.

Dumbell Squat

1.Stand up straight while holding a dumbbell on each hand (palms facing the side of your legs).
2.Position your legs using a shoulder width medium stance with the toes slightly pointed out. Keep your head up at all times as looking down will get you off balance and also maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position. Note: For the purposes of this discussion we will use the medium stance described above which targets overall development; however you can choose any of the three stances discussed in the foot stances section.
3.Begin to slowly lower your torso by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up. Continue down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Tip: If you performed the exercise correctly, the front of the knees should make an imaginary straight line with the toes that is perpendicular to the front. If your knees are past that imaginary line (if they are past your toes) then you are placing undue stress on the knee and the exercise has been performed incorrectly.
4.Begin to raise your torso as you exhale by pushing the floor with the heel of your foot mainly as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.
5.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: Be cautious with the weight used; in case of doubt, use less weight rather than more. The squat is a very safe exercise but only if performed properly. You may use wrist wraps for this exercise.

Variations: As previously mentioned, there are various stances that can be used depending on what you want to emphasize.

You can also use a barbell for this exercise.

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