Friday, September 30, 2011

Run like a Girl!

It has been several months since my last post, like my posting frequency, my workouts and running slowed significantly. I did run a 10K near the end of July and finished with my best time. Then I went out on the road and between travel and the heat I kind of gave up exercising. September has been better, I have run as much in September as I did in July and August combined. My weight had been at a plateau for several months, it seems to be moving lower again, I just hope it continues. I haven’t been doing the “Bombshell Body Workout” either and hope to pick that up again in October.

I did pick up some new exercise clothes “girl clothes” Yesterday I wore my outfit out for an early morning run. I am always conscious of how I might be perceived, but as dark as it was at 4:30 in the a.m. I don’t know if anyone who might have seen me, might have seen anything more unusual than my long legs in tiny shorts and snug T-Shirt. I also tried out a new pair of New Balance shaper shoes. They really didn’t help my running, in fact I made a short quick run of it. I’m not sure they can make that much of a difference anyway , but then they were a gift anyway.

Besides dressing like a girl to run, I often change my stride during my ride, to one that I think more closely mimics how girls run. Elbows in, short boxer arm stance with my hand up in front of my chest. My stride feels more like up and down motion than my usual long stride. When I run like this I can feel a bounce in my booty that I hope is helping it’s shape, as well as noticing the back and forth rhythmic sway. Shoulders back, chest out, and with my hips forward. I run with a closer stride putting one leg in front of the other, very much like a runway walk, this definitely adds to the sway. It would be interesting to see myself running this way, but at least I see my shadow occasionally and it looks pretty good to me. As it appears that fall may actually be arriving in my neck of the woods, I doubt I will be out in the shorts again anytime soon. I am thinking about finding some nice running tights. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Exercise #13

The next exercise I do is not in the “Bombshell Body Workout” I added this exercise to focus more on the gluteus and inner thighs.It is called “The Butt Lift (Bridge)” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Lie flat on the floor on your back with the hands by your side and your knees bent. Your feet should be placed around shoulder width. This will be your starting position.
    • Pushing mainly with your heels, lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight. Breathe out as you perform this part of the motion and hold at the top for a second.
    • Slowly go back to the starting position as you breathe in.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

Variations: You can perform this exercise one leg at a time.

Did you know that the inner thighs are among the most underused muscles in the body? With this inner thigh toner, you'll help get rid of that inner jiggle. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Place a hand towel between your knees and squeeze. Rest your arms by the sides of your body with your palms on the floor. Next, squeeze your legs together and lift your hips up off the floor. Lift and lower your hips. Time: 30 seconds.

Goal: 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Exercise #12

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Waist Stretch”  I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Waist Stretch releases tension from the back.
    • It also sculpts and tone love handles.
    • Lie on your back with your knees together.
    • Bend your knees and lower your legs to one side as far as you can.
    • Come back to center and repeat on the other side. 
    • Do 2-3 sets of 15 reps.

This exercise is also known as Knee Twists

Lie on your back with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle in the air with a rolled-up towel between your knees. Extend your arms out to the sides on the floor. Keeping your legs together, lower your knees to the left side. Keep your upper body still and your abs engaged. Switch sides, bringing your knees to the right. Alternate sides repeatedly. Complete as many as possible in one minute.

Goal: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Exercise #11

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Spine Stretch” I moved this exercise after the Butt Builder and Butt Blaster as I was already on my hands and knees. I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Genetic males tend to carry a lot of tension in their backs.
    • Tension makes it hard to move in a graceful, feminine way.
    • The Spine Stretch increases your back's flexibility and gives you a big effect on your movements.
    • Kneel on all 4's and contract your lower back in and out.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

Goal: 3 sets.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Exercise #10

The next exercise I do is not part of the “Bombshell Body Workout” series. The exercise is described as “The Butt Blaster” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Butt Blaster lifts and shapes your butt for more feminine curves.
    • Kneel on your hands and knees.
    • Flex you foot and lift your leg behind you up as high as you can.
    • Repeat on the other side.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

Position your body so that you're on the floor on your hands and knees. Place one dumbbell behind your bent left knee. Flex your foot and lift your left leg up toward the ceiling, then down toward the floor. Keep your back strong and pull your abs up and in as you lift your leg. Complete all reps on your left leg, then switch legs and repeat. Time: 30 seconds per leg.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Exercise #9

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Butt Builder” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Butt Builder lifts and shapes your butt for more feminine curves.
    • Lie face down on your stomach.
    • Lift one leg straight up as high as you can.
    • Repeat on the other side.
    • Squeeze your tummy and your butt for better results.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 8 reps.

This is an unusual exercise in the way it is described, I never could tell if I was doing it correctly or not. I do this with 20 repetitions on each side. Because I was sure if it was doing a good, I added another exercise immediately after.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Exercise #8

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Tummy Trimmer” I moved this exercise after the stretch to give myself a small rest. I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • This is another great exercise to tone the tummy and get rid of a beer belly.
    • Lie down on your back and stretch your legs to the front as much as
      you can.
    • Bring your legs back and forth towards your stomach.
    • Do 4 sets of 30.

This is also know as Reverse AB Curl

Starting Position:
•  Lie on the floor with your back relaxed and your hands on the floor by your hips.
•  Keep the upper back pressed into the floor throughout the exercise.
•  Contracting your abs, raise your butt and gently roll your hips off the floor, stopping when you feel a full contraction of the abdominals and can no longer lift your hips.
•  Slowly return to the starting position.
Key Points:
•  Exhale while lifting your hips.
•  Inhale while returning to the starting position.

Goal: 3 sets of 40.