Friday, September 30, 2011

Run like a Girl!

It has been several months since my last post, like my posting frequency, my workouts and running slowed significantly. I did run a 10K near the end of July and finished with my best time. Then I went out on the road and between travel and the heat I kind of gave up exercising. September has been better, I have run as much in September as I did in July and August combined. My weight had been at a plateau for several months, it seems to be moving lower again, I just hope it continues. I haven’t been doing the “Bombshell Body Workout” either and hope to pick that up again in October.

I did pick up some new exercise clothes “girl clothes” Yesterday I wore my outfit out for an early morning run. I am always conscious of how I might be perceived, but as dark as it was at 4:30 in the a.m. I don’t know if anyone who might have seen me, might have seen anything more unusual than my long legs in tiny shorts and snug T-Shirt. I also tried out a new pair of New Balance shaper shoes. They really didn’t help my running, in fact I made a short quick run of it. I’m not sure they can make that much of a difference anyway , but then they were a gift anyway.

Besides dressing like a girl to run, I often change my stride during my ride, to one that I think more closely mimics how girls run. Elbows in, short boxer arm stance with my hand up in front of my chest. My stride feels more like up and down motion than my usual long stride. When I run like this I can feel a bounce in my booty that I hope is helping it’s shape, as well as noticing the back and forth rhythmic sway. Shoulders back, chest out, and with my hips forward. I run with a closer stride putting one leg in front of the other, very much like a runway walk, this definitely adds to the sway. It would be interesting to see myself running this way, but at least I see my shadow occasionally and it looks pretty good to me. As it appears that fall may actually be arriving in my neck of the woods, I doubt I will be out in the shorts again anytime soon. I am thinking about finding some nice running tights. Anyone have any suggestions?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Exercise #13

The next exercise I do is not in the “Bombshell Body Workout” I added this exercise to focus more on the gluteus and inner thighs.It is called “The Butt Lift (Bridge)” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Lie flat on the floor on your back with the hands by your side and your knees bent. Your feet should be placed around shoulder width. This will be your starting position.
    • Pushing mainly with your heels, lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight. Breathe out as you perform this part of the motion and hold at the top for a second.
    • Slowly go back to the starting position as you breathe in.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

Variations: You can perform this exercise one leg at a time.

Did you know that the inner thighs are among the most underused muscles in the body? With this inner thigh toner, you'll help get rid of that inner jiggle. Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Place a hand towel between your knees and squeeze. Rest your arms by the sides of your body with your palms on the floor. Next, squeeze your legs together and lift your hips up off the floor. Lift and lower your hips. Time: 30 seconds.

Goal: 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Exercise #12

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Waist Stretch”  I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Waist Stretch releases tension from the back.
    • It also sculpts and tone love handles.
    • Lie on your back with your knees together.
    • Bend your knees and lower your legs to one side as far as you can.
    • Come back to center and repeat on the other side. 
    • Do 2-3 sets of 15 reps.

This exercise is also known as Knee Twists

Lie on your back with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle in the air with a rolled-up towel between your knees. Extend your arms out to the sides on the floor. Keeping your legs together, lower your knees to the left side. Keep your upper body still and your abs engaged. Switch sides, bringing your knees to the right. Alternate sides repeatedly. Complete as many as possible in one minute.

Goal: 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Exercise #11

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Spine Stretch” I moved this exercise after the Butt Builder and Butt Blaster as I was already on my hands and knees. I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Genetic males tend to carry a lot of tension in their backs.
    • Tension makes it hard to move in a graceful, feminine way.
    • The Spine Stretch increases your back's flexibility and gives you a big effect on your movements.
    • Kneel on all 4's and contract your lower back in and out.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

Goal: 3 sets.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Exercise #10

The next exercise I do is not part of the “Bombshell Body Workout” series. The exercise is described as “The Butt Blaster” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Butt Blaster lifts and shapes your butt for more feminine curves.
    • Kneel on your hands and knees.
    • Flex you foot and lift your leg behind you up as high as you can.
    • Repeat on the other side.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

Position your body so that you're on the floor on your hands and knees. Place one dumbbell behind your bent left knee. Flex your foot and lift your left leg up toward the ceiling, then down toward the floor. Keep your back strong and pull your abs up and in as you lift your leg. Complete all reps on your left leg, then switch legs and repeat. Time: 30 seconds per leg.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Exercise #9

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Butt Builder” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Butt Builder lifts and shapes your butt for more feminine curves.
    • Lie face down on your stomach.
    • Lift one leg straight up as high as you can.
    • Repeat on the other side.
    • Squeeze your tummy and your butt for better results.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 8 reps.

This is an unusual exercise in the way it is described, I never could tell if I was doing it correctly or not. I do this with 20 repetitions on each side. Because I was sure if it was doing a good, I added another exercise immediately after.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Exercise #8

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Tummy Trimmer” I moved this exercise after the stretch to give myself a small rest. I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • This is another great exercise to tone the tummy and get rid of a beer belly.
    • Lie down on your back and stretch your legs to the front as much as
      you can.
    • Bring your legs back and forth towards your stomach.
    • Do 4 sets of 30.

This is also know as Reverse AB Curl

Starting Position:
•  Lie on the floor with your back relaxed and your hands on the floor by your hips.
•  Keep the upper back pressed into the floor throughout the exercise.
•  Contracting your abs, raise your butt and gently roll your hips off the floor, stopping when you feel a full contraction of the abdominals and can no longer lift your hips.
•  Slowly return to the starting position.
Key Points:
•  Exhale while lifting your hips.
•  Inhale while returning to the starting position.

Goal: 3 sets of 40.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Exercise #7

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The AB Stretch” I moved this exercise between the crunches to give myself a small rest. I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Genetic males have short torsos between their rig cages and hips. The AB Stretch lengthens this area.
    • It is also good for flexibility. (The more flexible you are, the easier it is to move like a woman.)
    • Lie on back and stretch your arms above your head as much as you can.
    • Hold for 20 seconds.
    • Take deep breaths.
    • Do 3 sets.

Goal: 3 sets.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Exercise #6

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “AB Crunches” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Nothing is better than AB Crunches for a flat, feminine stomach.
    • Lie on your back and lift your legs off the floor until they form 90
      degree angles.
    • Lift your chest towards your knees, being careful not to pull your
    • Squeeze your stomach in for the best results.
    • Do 2-3 sets of 20-30 reps.

Lie on your back on a mat or padded carpet with your knees partially bent, feet flat on the floor, arms folded across your chest (least intense). Be sure the feet are not too near your buttocks. Exhale as you press the lower back into the floor and begin to raise your head, shoulders and chest off the floor in one unit, concentrating on bringing the ribs towards the hips. Pause briefly as you feel your abdominal muscles contract. The movement need only be a few inches. Inhale and slowly curl back down, trying not to let your head and shoulders touch the floor, maintaining tension in the abdominal muscles for the entire set. Repeat to muscle fatigue.

Be sure to keep the knees only partially bent with the heels at least one foot from your butt. This engages the oblique muscles as well as the rectus abdominus. To increase intensity, lengthen the pause when the abs are flexed to 2 seconds, or place your hands behind your head (as in the bicycle kick). Extend the arms overhead to maximize intensity levels.

Goal: 3 sets of 30 repetitions

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Exercise #5

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “Lower Body Builder” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • This exercise targets all the major muscles of the lower body.
    • Building these muscles helps balance the bulk of the upper body,
      giving you more feminine proportions.
    • Grab the stick you used in your waist exercises and put it on your
      shoulders for balance.
    • Lunge back with your left foot and lower your hips until both knees
      form 90 degree angles.
    • With your right leg, pull yourself back to standing as you raise your
      left leg until the thigh is parallel to the floor.
    • Balance on right leg for 1 second and repeat on other side.
    • Contract gluteus and look straight ahead to help keep your balance 
    • Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

This exercise is also known as a Barbell Lunge and has many variations,

1.This exercise is best performed inside a squat rack for safety purposes. To begin, first set the bar on a rack just below shoulder level. Once the correct height is chosen and the bar is loaded, step under the bar and place the back of your shoulders (slightly below the neck) across it.
2.Hold on to the bar using both arms at each side and lift it off the rack by first pushing with your legs and at the same time straightening your torso.
3.Step away from the rack and step forward with your right leg and squat down through your hips, while keeping the torso upright and maintaining balance. Inhale as you go down. Note: Do not allow your knee to go forward beyond your toes as you come down, as this will put undue stress on the knee joint. li>
4.Using mainly the heel of your foot, push up and go back to the starting position as you exhale.
5.Repeat the movement for the recommended amount of repetitions and then perform with the left leg.

Caution: This is a movement that requires a great deal of balance so if you suffer from balance problems you may wish to either avoid it or just use your own bodyweight while holding on to a fixed object. Definitely never perform with a barbell on your back if you suffer from balance issues.

Variations: There are several ways to perform the exercise.

Dumbbell Rear Lunge

1.Stand with your torso upright holding two dumbbells in your hands by your sides. This will be your starting position.
2.Step backward with your right leg around two feet or so from the left foot and lower your upper body down, while keeping the torso upright and maintaining balance. Inhale as you go down. Tip: As in the other exercises, do not allow your knee to go forward beyond your toes as you come down, as this will put undue stress on the knee joint. Make sure that you keep your front shin perpendicular to the ground. Keep the torso upright during the lunge; flexible hip flexors are important. A long lunge emphasizes the Gluteus Maximus; a short lunge emphasizes Quadriceps.
3.Push up and go back to the starting position as you exhale. Tip: Use the ball of your feet to push in order to accentuate the quadriceps. To focus on the gluteus, press with your heels.
4.Now repeat with the opposite leg.

Variations: There are several ways to perform the exercise. You can do what I call a static lunge where your starting position is with one of your feet already forward. In this case, you just go up and down from that starting position until you are done with the recommended amount of repetitions. Then you switch legs and do the same. A more challenging version is the walking lunges where you walk across the room but in a lunging fashion. For walking lunges the leg being left back has to be brought forward after the lunging action has happened in order to continue moving ahead. This version is reserved for the most advanced athletes.

Lunges can be performed with dumbbells as described above or with a barbell on the back, though the barbell variety is better suited for the advanced athletes who have mastered the exercise and no longer have balance issues.

1.One way is to alternate each leg. For instance do one repetition with the right, then the left, then the right and so on.
2.The other way is to do what I call a static lunge where your starting position is with one of your feet already forward. In this case, you just go up and down from that starting position until you are done with the recommended amount of repetitions. Then you switch legs and do the same.
3.A more challenging version is the walking lunges where you walk across the room but in a lunging fashion. For walking lunges the leg being left back has to be brought forward after the lunging action has happened in order to continue moving ahead. This version is reserved for the most advanced athletes.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Exercise #4

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “Thigh Squats” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • Thigh squats tone and sculpt the thighs and hamstrings.
    • Put your hands on your waist and stand with feet shoulder width
    • Bend knees and go up and down slowly.
    • Do 2 sets of 100 or 3 sets of 60.

This exercise is also known as a Squat and has many variations,

Wide Stance Barbell Squat

1.This exercise is best performed inside a squat rack for safety purposes. To begin, first set the bar on a rack that best matches your height. Once the correct height is chosen and the bar is loaded, step under the bar and place the back of your shoulders (slightly below the neck) across it.
2.Hold on to the bar using both arms at each side and lift it off the rack by first pushing with your legs and at the same time straightening your torso.
3.Step away from the rack and position your legs using a wider-than-shoulder-width stance with the toes slightly pointed out. Keep your head up at all times as looking down will get you off balance, and also maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position.
4.Begin to slowly lower the bar by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up. Continue down until the angle between the upper leg and the calves becomes slightly less than 90-degrees (which is the point in which the upper legs are below parallel to the floor). Inhale as you perform this portion of the movement. Tip: If you performed the exercise correctly, the front of the knees should make an imaginary straight line with the toes that is perpendicular to the front. If your knees are past that imaginary line (if they are past your toes) then you are placing undue stress on the knee and the exercise has been performed incorrectly.
5.Begin to raise the bar as you exhale by pushing the floor with the heel of your foot as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.
6.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: This is not an exercise to be taken lightly. If you have back issues, substitute it with the dumbbell squat variation or a leg press instead. If you have a healthy back, ensure perfect form and never slouch the back forward as this can cause back injury. Be cautious as well with the weight used; in case of doubt, use less weight rather than more. The squat is a very safe exercise but only if performed properly.


As previously mentioned, there are various stances that can be used depending on what you want to emphasize.

You can also place a small block under the heels if you lack ankle flexibility.

Dumbbells can be used as well for resistance by holding them to your sides. The use of wrist wraps is a necessity due to the amount of weights used. I find this an excellent variation when my lower back begins to act up after many weeks of regular barbell squats. (Note: For wide stance dumbbell squats you will have to hold the dumbbells in between your legs as opposed to both sides in order to be able to distance your legs sufficiently).

Another way to perform these is by using a weight belt and attaching weights to it in between the legs. This variation is referred to as weight belt squats which need to be performed with the legs placed on two well secured, raised but separated platforms that allow the weights to go up and down in the middle. This exercise is an excellent choice for people with lower back problems.

Plie Dumbbell Squat

1.Hold a dumbbell at the base with both hands and stand straight up. Move your legs so that they are wider than shoulder width apart from each other with your knees slightly bent.
2.Your toes should be facing out. Note: Your arms should be stationary while performing the exercise. This is the starting position.
3.Slowly bend the knees and lower your legs until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure to inhale as this is the eccentric part of the exercise.
4.Press mainly with the heel of the foot to bring the body back to the starting position while exhaling.
5.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: Failure to keep your back straight can result in back injury.

Dumbell Squat

1.Stand up straight while holding a dumbbell on each hand (palms facing the side of your legs).
2.Position your legs using a shoulder width medium stance with the toes slightly pointed out. Keep your head up at all times as looking down will get you off balance and also maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position. Note: For the purposes of this discussion we will use the medium stance described above which targets overall development; however you can choose any of the three stances discussed in the foot stances section.
3.Begin to slowly lower your torso by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up. Continue down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Tip: If you performed the exercise correctly, the front of the knees should make an imaginary straight line with the toes that is perpendicular to the front. If your knees are past that imaginary line (if they are past your toes) then you are placing undue stress on the knee and the exercise has been performed incorrectly.
4.Begin to raise your torso as you exhale by pushing the floor with the heel of your foot mainly as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.
5.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: Be cautious with the weight used; in case of doubt, use less weight rather than more. The squat is a very safe exercise but only if performed properly. You may use wrist wraps for this exercise.

Variations: As previously mentioned, there are various stances that can be used depending on what you want to emphasize.

You can also use a barbell for this exercise.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July! Like many others I celebrated by running a 10K. I didn’t improve on my previous time, about a minute slower, but this course had more hills which made it a bit tougher. I hope to be able to improve on my times as a way of showing myself that I am getting better at running. I have a 5K coming up that should help me know if I am improving. I hope everyone who celebrates July 4th, did so in the manner they enjoy!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Exercise #3

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Hip Builder” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Hip Builder builds the muscles of the hips and thighs, giving you more feminine proportions.
    • It Also gets rid of love handles.
    • Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
    • Squat until thighs are nearly parallel to the floor.
    • Stand up while lifting the right leg straight out to the side.
    • Balance on the left leg for 1 second and then repeat on other side 
    • Do 2 sets of 100 or 3 sets of 60.

This exercise is also know as Alternating Squat Kicks or Squat Side Kicks, Squat kicks are similar to regular squats; start in a standing position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Squat down until your thighs are about parallel with the floor; then push up with your left leg while your right leg simultaneously kicks out to the side. At the height of your kick, your leg should be straight and parallel with the floor. Lower your body back down to your squatting position (thighs about parallel with the floor); then push up with your right leg while your left leg kicks out to the side. Continue alternating kicking and squatting legs.

Squat Side Kicks combines a traditional squat with side kicks to target troubled areas along the outer thighs. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a basic squat, lowering your bottom straight down as if you were sitting. Don't squat lower than the knee. When standing, extend your right leg straight out to the side, lifting your foot as high as your waist. Now do another squat, except this time stand and kick with your left leg. Perform 15 repetitions to each side.

I currently do three sets of 20, for a total of 60 repetitions.

Caution: Use caution if you have lower back problems, or avoid this exercise altogether.

Variations: You can also do this exercise with dumbbells in your hands.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Exercise #2

The next exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Waist Twist” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • This is another great exercise for slimming your waist.
    • Use the same stick you used in the “Waist Slide” and put it on your shoulders
    • Stand with feet a few feet apart.
    • Bend to each side as far as you can go.
    • Twist to each side – not to slow, not too fast.
    • Do 2 sets of 100 or 3 sets of 60.

This exercise is also know as Barbell Twist so may also be done with a barbell and weight, this exercise hits the oblique's primarily, and hits the abs and lower back in a secondary manner since all they do is stabilize. If done with a challenging amount of weight, this is a very effect exercise for the external oblique's.

1.Start out by sitting at the end of a flat bench with a barbell placed on top of your thighs. Your feet should be shoulder width apart from each other.
2.Grip the bar with your palms facing down and make sure your hands are wider than shoulder width apart from each other. Begin to lift the barbell up over your head until your arms are fully extended.
3.Now lower the barbell behind your head until it is resting along the base of your neck. This is the starting position.
4.While keeping your feet and head stationary, move your waist from side to side so that your oblique muscles feel the contraction. Only move from side to side as far as your waist will allow you to go. Stretching or moving too far can cause an injury to occur. Tip: Use a slow and controlled motion.
5.Remember to breathe out while twisting your body to the side and in when moving back to the starting position.
6.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

I currently do three sets of 70, for a total of 210 repetitions. I use a metal pole without any weight currently just for form. I may add weight once I perfect the move for all repetitions

Caution: Use caution if you have lower back problems, or avoid this exercise altogether, additional weight may create more definition in the oblique’s and could therefore create a look that is not as small as possible.

Variations: You can also do this exercise while seating on a bench or with dumbbells in your hands.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Exercise #1

The first exercise I do in the “Bombshell Body Workout” series is described as “The Waist Slide” I do each exercise in the series in three sets.

    • The Waist Slide sculpts and slims the waist.
    • Get a stick (metal bar, wooden stick, or broomstick) and put it on your shoulders
    • Stand with feet a few feet apart.
    • Bend to each side as far as you can go.
    • Tighten your abs as you bend.
    • Do 2 sets of 100 or 3 sets of 60.

This exercise is also know as Barbell Side Bend so may also be done with a barbell and weight, this exercise hits the oblique's primarily, and hits the abs and lower back in a secondary manner since all they do is stabilize. If done with a challenging amount of weight, this is a very effect exercise for the external oblique's.

1.Stand up straight while holding a barbell placed on the back of your shoulders (slightly below the neck). Your feet should be shoulder width apart. This will be your starting position.
2.While keeping your back straight and your head up, bend only at the waist to the right as far as possible. Breathe in as you bend to the side. Then hold for a second and come back up to the starting position as you exhale. Tip: Keep the rest of the body stationary.
3.Now repeat the movement but bending to the left instead. Hold for a second and come back to the starting position.
4.Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

I currently do three sets of 70, for a total of 210 repetitions. I use a metal pole without any weight currently just for form. I may add weight once I perfect the move for all repetitions

Caution: Use caution if you have lower back problems, or avoid this exercise altogether, additional weight may create more definition in the oblique’s and could therefore create a look that is not as small as possible.

Variations: You can also do this exercise while seating on a bench or with dumbbells in your hands.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cross Training

Okay a little play on words, but very fitting. I am in training, for the upcoming season. I don’t want to mince words with anyone, labels are numerous as it applies to us girls, and even then I may be offending someone by comparing my behavior to theirs. I will for a lack of other labels, and because it fits my theme, just call it cross dressing. I am preparing for the cross dressing season, and I very much need preparation. In the past, summer has usually been the off-season for me, the season when I need to let my male persona out. The time of the year when I don’t shave my legs or other areas, or paint my toe nails. Plus because it gets so hot around here in the summer, it is difficult to wear layers of clothing, like stockings, and slips, shape wear, and clothing on top of that. For me feminine fashion has always been a lot like the fashion industry. Summer collections in January and winter wear in the middle of the summer.

Anyway back to the training, since letting go of cross dressing over five years ago, I let myself go. Now I am trying to get myself back into “shape”! Part of my agreement with myself is that I will not fully dress until I reach a weight goal. This is a realistic goal, it is a weight within the range of where I was five years ago, but not as low as I was in my twenties! That would be my “Ideal Goal Weight” that I would love to reach, but will disregard actual weight below my goal for a desired shape instead. That shape includes a slender waist, some definition if possible, and a larger shapelier posterior. If you have read any of my previous posts, this should be abundantly clear. If someone wants to explain to me why that is simply impossible for a man to achieve, I am willing to listen, until then I will continue to try and achieve my dream figure.

What I hope to do in the next series of posts is to detail the “Bombshell Body Workout” that I am doing, at least the version that I am attempting. It varies slightly from the actual “Bombshell Body Workout” or BSB as detailed by I have come up with my own name for the workout, I call it T90X, I substituted the “P” in P90X, with a “T” to represent the “T” girl, chose whatever variation of the T-word that you prefer to use. The 90 represents 90 minutes, which is the amount of time it takes me to do all the repetitions of all the exercises in my workout, with the necessary rest in between to catch my breath. The “X” can represent what ever you want, the X-factor, I have always liked to think of the X as in X-dress, like the X in railroad X’ing. “Railroad crossing, watch out for the cars, can you spell it without any “R’s” Sorry a silly rhyme from my childhood. By the way you spell it “IT” So that is why I call it what I do, you can call it whatever you want. By the end of July I should be able to tell you if you can just call it worthless. I want to do the workout three times a week, which would be 12 times in July, I have only done it 8 times in June and 6 times in May as I ramped up to the 3 sets of each exercise repetitions. The next fourteen posts will give as much detail as I can about each individual exercise. The BSB workout only includes 12 exercises, but I added two of my own to the series. I will also post them in the order that I perform the exercises.

I like to think there are three levels of effective “Femulation” as Stana calls it. True Feminine Emulation can be achieved at those three levels. Level 1, is fully clothed, I call this level one because female clothing can do a lot to help achieve a feminine looking silhouette. Underneath the clothes you can use any number of various shape wear items to help give you the desired look.

Level 2 is Swimwear/Underwear, to look good in Swimwear or underwear is much more difficult, and you can not rely on all the shape wear options that are available when wearing clothing. Some “T-girls” are able to achieve this Level, and I will definitely admit I admire the girls that can accomplish Level 2. Many more GG’s are able to look good at Level 2 than T-girls, but just as many GG’s fret about how they look as do the non-GG’s.

Level 3 would be “au natural” to use a polite term, although for a T-girl “natural” may be the last word you would use to describe their look. It usually requires some if not much surgery, unfortunately few T-girls are blessed with a “naturally” feminine shape. Some have at least a smaller, slender stature which allows them to achieve Level 3 with a little help from their friends, the doctors. Either medicinally or surgically it is possible for a few Y-Chromosome challenged girls to achieve a very convincing feminine appearance. The percentages of GG’s that look good at level 3 is probably higher than the TG’s but even that my be up for debate. After all who has compiled all the numbers.

Sorry, I got off on a tangent, I tend to do that, I wish to achieve some degree of Level 2 , I don’t think Level 3 is possible for me, not that anyone will probably ever see me at any Level but 1. These Levels are of course just my opinion, and are completely subjective. My opinion is no better than anyone else's, but it is my opinion, so if it only matters to me, that’s fine too.

Monday, June 20, 2011

10K Gold & Silver

Well I ran two more races! I ran a 5K and finished 1st in my age group, but a few minutes behind my previous time. I then ran a 10K, my first, I did okay considering it was my first 10K race, I finished second in my age bracket. I am planning to run another couple of 10K’s in the next month as well as another 5K. I hope to be able to improve upon my times in each, and will be working out more to improve my times.

I am also still doing the “Bombshell Body” workout, my goal is to do it three times a week, but am averaging twice a week. I hope it is doing some good back there, it’s hard for me to tell, as I can’t see myself. I did a few measurements and I am happy with the results. I have lost some more weight, but luckily no inches around my hips and rear. I would love to get a slimmer runner’s build but keep the butt, if that is possible. I figure if I keep doing the lower body workouts along with the running I should be able to keep or build the muscle tone down there.

I mentioned before I have a goal of reaching a waist to hip ratio of .70 or lower, I am currently at around a .75 ratio. I know I still have a bit too lose around my waist, as I still have a bit of a tummy, but most of my pants are fitting looser, time to find a smaller sized pants. If I could get back to the waist size I had in my mid-twenties, I would be very happy. Not sure if that is possible, but it would be wonderful. I did try another measurement, from my front profile I measured my waist width vs. my hip width, I am between .75 and .70, which made me happy! What surprised me more was that from a side profile, I measured my waist depth, front to back, versus my hip/butt depth front to back, I am also nearly .70, which means my butt sticks out behind me about 30% more than does my lower back/waist!

I suspect that if the workout program is able to make any difference in my lower body, the muscle will be in the back, on the gluteus. I doubt that there is much that I can do to make my butt wider at the hips. I can’t control where my body deposits fat, nor can I do anything to change the skeleton underneath. I can only increase the size of my hips and butt by building the muscle underneath. It seems like most women want to make this area smaller, I want mine to be bigger so that it looks more like a woman’s does. I will continue the workouts as long as I continue to see results, or until the end of next month if I don’t see any real progress. I will keep you up to date.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more”

I think that The Proclaimers sang it best in 1988 with “I’m Gonna Be” Needless to say that it is often easy to associate music to feelings and experiences, that is the case with me this week. I am careful to keep track of all my activities, and this week I passed the 500 mile mark in my Walking/Running exercise regimen. I plan on continuing the workouts, and have a goal of completing another 500 miles before the end of the year

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I did it!

I finally ran my first 5K race, it has been my goal for this year. I have put it off for several races for various reasons, mostly weather related, but also because I was indecisive. Well I finally just got up the morning of the race, drove down and registered. The race had more than 2300 registrants, with nearly 2100 participants. I am happy to say that I finished in the top 5%. I was in the top five finishers for my age and gender, I would have been 2nd in age and gender, if I could have chosen my gender category. I really didn’t have any idea where I would finish as I have never run in one before. However when I received my race number, I thought to myself, if I could finish in the time of the race number in minutes and seconds, I would be happy. Well I finished two seconds faster! Now I have a benchmark, and I will work to improve on my finish time.

On a side note, I lost a couple of pounds in my quest, and have increased my “Bombshell Body” workout to complete all reps. I will continue to do the workout 3 times a week and run on the other days, I still hope to lose several inches around my middle while increasing the size of my gluteus if possible. I am currently at a hip-to-waist ratio of approximately .75, I would love to get to .70! That is my magic number, my goal ratio! I also felt the need to reward myself, so I went to Nordstrom’s for their Half-Yearly clearance for Women and Children. I found myself a pair of new heels! The one thing I love more than a pretty new pair of shoes, is a great bargain, This pair was both! First they were seriously marked down, second I had a certificate good for an additional $20 off. I walked out with a $120 pair of shoes, for less than $6 tax included!!! Here is a link to a picture of the "Cute Shoes" if you are interested  and the actual 'Rialto' Sandal at Nordstrom’s web site. My feet are feeling a bit overwhelmed about now.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I am up to

Many things have changed over the last five years. I have changed, besides growing older chronologically, I have also changed physically. Not in a way that is conducive to the Michelle persona. My concern for maintaining a physique that accommodated feminine fashions waned. Within a few years I added an extra 25% of weight to my frame. Now I had always been slender, so a little extra padding isn’t all that noticeable, but if I had kept all of Michelle’s clothing in a trunk for 5 years, most of it wouldn’t fit me any longer. I have gained at least two pant/dress sizes. I would even live with the extra weight, if it was up to me where it was distributed. The extra padding in the caboose isn’t all that bad, and does give me a softer shape. If I could just move the weight around my waist to my hips, thighs, or breasts (if I had them) then I could live with it.

I live in the real world, and because of that I am actively trying to change my physique for several reasons, in no particular order, health, physique, and feminine persona. Since the beginning of this year I have lost 10% of the weight. I have been training to run a 5K, my first will be in the next couple of weeks. This has lead to me exercising 6 days a week, mostly walking and running, all great for the lower body. I have become obsessed with the idea that maybe if I can’t lose all the weight, at least I can get my waist back. Then in conjunction with my slim waist, I hope to either maintain or increase the added inches to my posterior. I have begun the “Bombshell Body Workout” from, that combined with the running I hope will get me back into “shape”! If I can get back into shape, I have goals and rewards that are conducive to a possible return of the persona of Michelle 

Friday, May 20, 2011

What I have Missed

I have missed out on the friendships that I had, in particular I missed out when the one person I most considered a friend online passed away. So distanced was I from the previous existence that I had created, that I didn’t even find out about her passing until nearly two years after she had passed. Kelli Ann Hopkins was a wonderful passionate person who I respected for her convictions and was an advocate for the cause of others. She will be missed! I have also missed the experience of being Michelle, but that is just an occasional thing, not real life.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where have I been?

I have been on a hiatus of sorts, self-imposed as it was for various reasons, In a sense it still is ongoing. This current hiatus began just over five years ago with a purge, not my first one, but significant one none the less. I’ve done this several times throughout my life and later regretted it every time. Everything that was part of my feminine persona was discarded, every piece of clothing, jewelry, shoes, makeup, and wigs. Besides that I removed all content from the web that I had control of and deleted all images of Michelle that I had. Today the only images of me that remain in the public domain are few and are the only record of who I was back then, I only have access to a few of the images that the general public has with a little digging. I am sure there are a few individuals out there with a collection of my images, that’s great for nostalgic reasons! I haven’t been completely Michelle and out in public in over five years now. I know that this sounds sad, but I haven’t been sad for the last five years, only periodically. Overall I have been content and living my life, but there are those moments when one wonders, hence my reemergence.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Who Am I?

I call myself Michelle, not my legal name. Michelle is the name I gave myself, a choice that I made, versus my legal name which was given to me by my parents without any input from me. I am sure they had their reasons and I don’t fault them for it. I don’t have a problem with my legal name, it’s just that I have a persona that sometimes the legal name doesn’t seem to fit. My chosen name is Michelle Neiman Marcos. I have my own reasons for choosing this name, which I might address in some future post. You can call me Michelle or Shelley, which ever you prefer. The name fits my feminine persona, this persona is sometimes necessary, as it differentiates me from my male persona. Yes for all legal definitions, whatever that means, I am a man.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why I am here

This is a place for me to express my feelings, thoughts, opinions, or just ramblings as they may come to me and as I choose to express them. It is a forum in which I feel like I can write about what I feel, think, see, and like that I may not be able to in the real world.