Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I am up to

Many things have changed over the last five years. I have changed, besides growing older chronologically, I have also changed physically. Not in a way that is conducive to the Michelle persona. My concern for maintaining a physique that accommodated feminine fashions waned. Within a few years I added an extra 25% of weight to my frame. Now I had always been slender, so a little extra padding isn’t all that noticeable, but if I had kept all of Michelle’s clothing in a trunk for 5 years, most of it wouldn’t fit me any longer. I have gained at least two pant/dress sizes. I would even live with the extra weight, if it was up to me where it was distributed. The extra padding in the caboose isn’t all that bad, and does give me a softer shape. If I could just move the weight around my waist to my hips, thighs, or breasts (if I had them) then I could live with it.

I live in the real world, and because of that I am actively trying to change my physique for several reasons, in no particular order, health, physique, and feminine persona. Since the beginning of this year I have lost 10% of the weight. I have been training to run a 5K, my first will be in the next couple of weeks. This has lead to me exercising 6 days a week, mostly walking and running, all great for the lower body. I have become obsessed with the idea that maybe if I can’t lose all the weight, at least I can get my waist back. Then in conjunction with my slim waist, I hope to either maintain or increase the added inches to my posterior. I have begun the “Bombshell Body Workout” from, that combined with the running I hope will get me back into “shape”! If I can get back into shape, I have goals and rewards that are conducive to a possible return of the persona of Michelle 

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